Whether you are an athletes or an all-round active person, regular chiropractic care can help you to perform better and reduce your chance of sport injury.
Chiropractors are musuloskeletal expert that are trained to identify movement deficit and remedy the restricted joints and muscles. After a thorough assessment, chiropractors will address the problematic joints with ‘adjustments’, high velocity and low amplitude thrusts to restore the movement of the joints.
Chiropractic cares have been well documented scientifically in the improvement of our body performance and injury prevention:
1. A 2012 study by the National University of Health Sciences, demonstrated a 15% increase in grip strength for judo athletes who underwent chiropractic treatment, compared to those who did not. To find out more about the study, click here.
2. A 2008 study by Scandinavian College of Chiropractic found that runners who received chiropractic care were better able to extend their hip, which may impact on their running velocity.To find out more about the study, click here.
3. A 2010 study by Hoskins and Pollard demonstrated that semi-elite Australian footballers that underwent chiropractic care consistently throughout the season were significantly less likely to incur hamstring, back or lower limb injuries and miss play weeks. To find out more about the study, click here.
If you would like to keep your body well conditioned and performing at your best, please do not hesitate to come in for an examination at Spearwood Chiropractic. Call us on 0481342837 to make an appointment.
Spearwood Chiropractic utilises a unique combination of chiropractic and soft tissue therapy to deliver fast, effective and long lasting results for joints and muscular issues for all ages.
Our chiropractor, Dr Jackson Yee has a vast range of experience in managing muscular and joints disorders. With a particular passion for sports, Jackson has served as sport trainer at Jandakot Jets Football Club, Southern Lions Rugby Union Football Club, Fremantle Croatia Football Club and Lynwood United Football Club. Some services we offer are manipulative therapy, soft tissue therapy (dry needling/ acupuncture, deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy), exercise therapy, nutritional advice, biomechanical and ergonomic education, kinesiotaping and bulk billed x-ray referrals (if required).
Some common conditions our chiropractor treats are low back pain, neck pain, headache, sporting injuries, postural issues, nerve entrapment, sciatica, jaw pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain, elbow pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain and foot pain.
Private health insurance rebates are available at Spearwood Chiropractic. The amount of coverage varies so please refer to your insurer for your level of rebate.
Located at 12/83 Mell Road, Spearwood Chiropractic also services the surrounding suburbs of Coogee, Fremantle, Hamilton Hill, Beeliar, Success, Hammond Park, Aubin Grove, Bibra Lake, South Lake, Cockburn Central, Munster and Yangebup. To book an appointment, call us now on 0481342837 or enquire further on www.spearwoodchiropractic.com.au