Our spinal column consists of roughly 26 bones that house the nervous system. Holding up the spinal column are thousands of muscles and ligaments.
The spine and the nervous system constantly provide feedback to each other. These muscles and ligaments are the ‘sensors’ that pick up positions and movements of our body, allowing coordinated and complex range of motion.
Stress can accumulates on the spinal structures from accidents or daily wear and tear. This stress can results in sprain and strain of muscles and ligaments, causing faulty sensory input into our nervous system.
The faulty sensory input is equivalent to driving at night on a dark road with a faulty headlight. Our brain becomes literally 'blind'.
So how do we keep the spine and the nervous system functioning correctly?
1. Manage injuries properly. You may be out of pain but the function and structures of your body may have change as a result of the injury. Chiropractors are skilled experts when it comes to injury recovery and rehabilitation.
2. Stretches and proprioceptive training.