At the core of the proprioceptive system are proprioceptors. These are sensors that provide constant monitoring of our body parts to coordinate complex movements. Proprioceptors are scaterred all around our body. They are typically found in higher concentrations where fine movements controls are needed. Most of our proprioceptors are located in our spine, especially in the upper neck region.
Proprioceptions can get disrupted when an injury occurs to our nerve, joints or muscles. Spinal injuries such as whiplash, disc herniation or arthritis can severely impact our proprioception. Common signs and symptoms due to damaged proprioception are
- Balance issues. Frequent falls or dizziness.
- Clumsiness. Dropping and bumping into things.
- Uncoordinated movements. Not walking in a straight line.
- Strength issue. Weakness or excessive use of force for the task required.
- Postural problems such as constant slouching.
As we can see, spinal injuries as simple as back pain and neck pain encompass more than just pain. It also affects the normal functioning of our movement system. When it comes to treating spinal injuries, our chiropractors will also focus on rehabilitating your proprioceptive system to help restore and strengthen proper coordination and movements and balance.
Common conditions that our chiropractors treat are low back pain, neck pain, headache, sporting injuries, postural issues, nerve entrapment, sciatica, jaw pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain, elbow pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain and foot pain.
Private health insurance rebates are available at Spearwood Chiropractic. The amount of coverage varies so please refer to your insurer for your level of rebate.
Located at 12/83 Mell Road, Spearwood Chiropractic also services the surrounding suburbs of Coogee, Fremantle, Hamilton Hill, Beeliar, Success, Hammond Park, Aubin Grove, Bibra Lake, South Lake, Cockburn Central, Munster and Yangebup. To book an appointment, call us now on 0481342837 or enquire further on